Terms of service

Use of this Web site
This Web site is owned and operated by the Greater Montréal Convention and Tourism Bureau (Tourisme Montréal)(hereinafter the “Site Owner”), who provides it to you (“the User”) for non-commercial and informative purposes. Your use of this Web site is subject to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing this Web site, you agree to abide by these Terms without limitation or reservation. If you do not agree with any Term set forth herein, please do not use this Web site. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you are legally accessing this Web site, and that the content available therein or thereby is legal in every jurisdiction where you access or view this Web site or its content, as well as in any intermediary jurisdiction by which you do so.
Exclusion of warranties
The Site Owner, as well as their affiliated and associated companies, their respective administrators, executives, owners, partners, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (the “Group Members”) make no claims or warranties, express or otherwise, regarding the functionality or the state of this Web site, its relevance for usage purposes or its use without interruptions or errors. ALL CONTENT, INFORMATION, APPLICATIONS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PRESENTED ON THIS WEB SITE AS WELL AS RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. THE SITE OWNER, GROUP MEMBERS AND LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
The information, applications, products, services and contents featured on this Web site are not intended to provide specific technical, financial, fiscal, legal, business or accounting advice, nor any other form of advice applicable to the user’s specific situation, and we recommend that you consult with your own professional advisors to determine how any information, applications, products, services or contents made available on this Web site apply to your specific situation. These exclusions are in addition to any specific exclusions otherwise set forth in these Terms. Should the exclusion of certain warranties be prohibited in the jurisdiction whose laws govern the actions of the user, such unauthorized exclusions shall not apply, while all other legal exclusions will persist. THE INFORMATION, APPLICATIONS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ANNOUNCED ON THIS WEB SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, AND MAY PERIODICALLY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THE SITE OWNER, GROUP MEMBERS, AND/OR THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAY IMPROVE AND/OR MODIFY THIS WEB SITE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE.
Limitation of liability
All transactions arising from use of the Web site thereof are directly and exclusively entered into by the travel-related product or service provider as described and listed herein and their customer. The Site Owner is neither the representative, nor the agent of those service providers and shall not be concerned in any way, by any claim or dispute that may arise between service providers and their customers. Furthermore, the Site Owner is in no way liable for any damage, or financial or information loss that could result from such transactions.
Copyrights and trademarks
Contents on this Web site, including but not limited to texts, images, logos, illustrations, software, audio files and video clips, are owned by the Site Owner or otherwise provided thereby under licence, and the Site Owner does not represent or warrant in any way that such contents do not infringe the rights of any other person or entity. The contents of this Web site are protected in Canada and in other jurisdictions under the Copyright Act and governed by all applicable international conventions. Consequently, the contents of this Web site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted, distributed or modified, in part or as a whole, in any form whatsoever, whether in text, audio, video or executable format, without prior written consent from the Site Owner. Trademarks, official marks, logos and service marks (collectively, “Marks”) presented on this Web site are registered or unregistered Marks of the Site Owner or others that have licensed their use to the Site Owner, and are the property of their respective owners. The Marks may not be used in any way without prior written consent from their owner. Nothing in this Web site may be construed as conferring any right to use the Marks or the content protected under the Copyright Act.
For a specific authorization regarding the photographs and logos included in the photographic library, please write to photos@mtl.org.
Registration, subscription, user name and password
The use of some of the related services and functionalities offered on this Web site require that the user becomes a member of Tourisme Montréal. Should you decide to register as a member or to subscribe to services or functionalities, you consent to supply accurate and up-to-date personal information, as required in the relevant registration or subscription process, and to ensure its accuracy by updating such information as soon as the need arises. You agree to preserve the confidentiality of all passwords and account identifiers of your own choosing or assigned to you at the time of your registration or subscription on this Web site, and to assume sole responsibility for any activity related to the use of these passwords and/or accounts. Furthermore, you agree to warn the Site Owner of any unauthorized use of your password or member account. Neither the Site Owner nor the Group Members may be held liable in any way, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage of any nature arising from your own failure to comply with this provision or related to such failure.
You acknowledge that the Site Owner may, at their sole and absolute discretion, and without prior notice, suspend, cancel or terminate your account, your use or your access to this Web site, or any of their services, as well as remove and delete any information or content relative to this Web site or one of the services (and terminate your use thereof), for any reason whatsoever, including in the event that the Site Owner believes that you have infringed these Terms. Moreover, you acknowledge that the Site Owner and Group Members are not accountable to you or anyone pursuant to such a suspension, cancellation or termination. Should you experience dissatisfaction with this Web site or one of its related services, Terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines or practices of the Site Owner in regard to the operation of this site or any one of their services, your only remedy consists in discontinuing the use of said site or service.
Confidentiality of the information submitted
Internet communications are subject to interception, loss or alteration. Consequently, you acknowledge that the information or items you submit electronically as a result of your accessing or use of this Web site are neither confidential nor exclusive, except within the limits prescribed by applicable laws, and that unprotected e-mail communications on the Internet may be intercepted, altered or lost.
For more information, please review our Privacy Policy.
Additional responsibilities of user
You therefore commit to using the Forums in compliance with these Terms and in a reasonable fashion. More specifically, you commit to ensuring that none of the messages, conversations, chats and/or other exchanges you will take part of in the Forums are defamatory or by nature breach the right to image or privacy of any person, contain obscenities, feed hatred or otherwise engage the civil or criminal liability of an individual or entity.
You additionally acknowledge the following responsibilities:
- Licence – By uploading documents on the Forums, you automatically grant (or warrant that the owner of such content expressly grants) the Site Owner an irrevocable, royalty-free and non-exclusive licence and international right to copy, adapt, operate, use, circulate, transmit, communicate via telecommunications or other means, post, publicly present and distribute the content submitted, and to create compilations and by-products for any purpose whatsoever, by any currently existing or later developed means, medium and technology, including for broadcasting, wireless and online transmissions. Furthermore, you warrant that any person who could possibly own moral rights in regard to such content has waived their right to any form of recourse relative to the use thereof by the Site Owner.
- Potential damages – Neither the Site Owner nor its Group Members may be held liable for any damages that could be caused to your computer system as a result of (i) accessing or using this Web site; (ii) using any content from this Web site; (iii) downloading data or software from this Web site. Moreover, neither the Site Owner nor its Group Members will assume any form of responsibility regarding the possibility of illegal access to your computer by hackers, or the quality, reliability, compatibility and timeliness of the services rendered by an Internet service provider.
- Responsibilities relative to minors – When you authorize a minor to use this Web site or one of its functionalities, you assume full responsibility in respect to the following: i) the conduct of the minor online; ii) the minor’s access to this Web site or any of its services, and the use made thereof by such minor; iii) the consequences of any use by the minor of this Web site or any of its functionalities. In addition, you acknowledge that some parts of this Web site may include content not suitable for minors. Finally, you acknowledge and recognize that minors are increasingly using Internet services and that, consequently, they can become the targets of criminals or individuals with wrongful intents. Accordingly, you commit to monitoring the use minors are making of your Internet service and to give them advice and safety recommendations to prevent them from being exposed to inappropriate information or comments, or become the victims of harassment or other criminal acts.
- Relations with others – You recognize and accept that your correspondence or interactions with third parties, including the merchants and announcers found on this Web site or by means of any of its functionalities, including payment and delivery of related products and services, as well as all other terms, conditions, claims and warranties relative to such transactions, only concern you and the third parties in question. The Site Owner and its Group Members assume no liability of any nature regarding any fees that you or any other user of your account incur by making purchases or proceeding with any other transactions by these means. Furthermore, you assume the sole responsibility to ensure that such transactions comply with all applicable laws. You acknowledge that the Site Owner and Group Members may not be held liable in any way, directly or indirectly, for loss or damages of any nature arising from such transactions or relations, or related thereto.
- Warning – When you take part in a Forum, never presume that other individuals are who they present themselves to be, that they know what they are talking about, or that they are associates of the persons they pretend to share any affiliation with. Opinions and comments expressed in the Forums (including the opinions and comments of the bloggers) are those of their respective contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Site Owner. The Site Owner and its Group Members may not be held liable for the content or accuracy of any information whatsoever posted in the Forums, and decline any form of responsibility for the trust you place in such information and any decision made as a result thereof.
Webmaster – You are responsible of informing the Webmaster of any illegal, shocking or rights-infringing content so that it may be removed immediately.
Non-compliance with these rules will engage your exclusive responsibility, as well as that of the person who will have uploaded the unauthorized content, if applicable. The Site Owner and its Group Members decline any and all liability regarding a potential recourse against you or the person who will have uploaded the unauthorized content, if applicable.
The Site Owner may monitor access to the Web site, discussions thereon and content posted, as well as other activities related to the Web site, and they may intervene accordingly, while they are not making any claims or warranties to this effect. You consent to such monitoring and intervention, should the Site Owner decide to pursue such actions.
Links and references to other Web sites are provided exclusively for your convenience. The Site Owner has not verified accessibility and does not expressly or implicitly endorse the other Web sites or their content, or any information or items accessible using such links, and does not assume any responsibility regarding any such other Web site, information or content, or products or services, posted or available thereon.
The Site Owner reserves the right to request, at any time, that any link to this Web site created from a third party's website be deleted if, in Site Owner's sole discretion, such link causes the Site Owner a prejudice.
The Site Owner does not claim or warrant that the information or content, including the downloadable software, accessed from or through this Web site will be free of errors, defects, viruses or other harmful components, that access thereto will be uninterrupted, or that any such issues as they are discovered will be corrected.
Use of travel services
You warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and possess the legal authority to enter into an agreement, and that you are using this Web site in compliance with these Terms. You agree to assume all expenses incurred as part of your use of this Web site (as well as those incurred by other individuals using your account). You also warrant that all of the information you have supplied as part of the use of this Web site is true and accurate. Any speculative, false or fraudulent booking, as well as any booking made in anticipation of demand is strictly prohibited. You consent to use the travel service booking functionalities of this Web site exclusively for making legitimate booking or purchases on your behalf or on that of another person who has expressly authorized you to do so. You understand that access to the travel service booking functionalities available on this Web site could be refused should you make any abusive or excessive use of it.
Specific terms and conditions will govern the booking and purchase of the travel-related products and services that you will select. You agree to comply with the terms and conditions of purchase of any supplier you elect to do business with, including payment of all amounts due at the applicable time, and to abide by all rules and restrictions relative to rates, products or services. You shall be fully responsible for all charges, fees, duties and other amounts due as a result of using this Web site. The Site Owner is not a travel agent, tourism wholesaler or tourism retailer as defined by the Travel Agents Act of the Province of Québec.
Accuracy of information
The Site Owner may update the information, content or items on this Web site without notice from time to time, but makes not guarantees that any material on this Web site is up-to-date, accurate, error-free or complete.
The prices of the products and services offered by suppliers and posted on this site, including the price of “Sweet Deal” or “Passion” packages, as well as the description of the packages available from their respective suppliers are only indicative, and are based on the information provided to the Site Owner by the suppliers. The Site Owner does not guarantee, in any way, that this information is accurate, error-free or complete. As well, the Site Owner and its Group Members cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, errors or incomplete entries in such information and descriptions. Subject to verification with the concerned suppliers, the Site Owner commits to promptly rectifying any inaccuracies, errors or imprecise elements that any person would bring to its attention. The price payable for each product or service booked or purchased online is the price listed for that product or service, as declared by the supplier to the Site Owner. The Site Owner shall assume no liability for the information posted on the site in relation to the price or description of any package, including the “Sweet Deal” or “Passion” packages, in particular regarding the compliance with the conditions of a package of any offer by a supplier. The user undertakes to verify the total cost and description of any offer of a supplier and to be satisfied by such price and description before making any purchase or reservation.
Currency converter
The “Currency Converter” is supplied by the Site Owner under licence from Open Exchange Rates. For any information regarding the “Currency Converter,” please visit https://openexchangerates.org. Use of the “Currency Converter” is governed by these Terms as well as the conditions of use found at https://openexchangerates.org. Any use of this tool for purposes other than those prescribed by the Site Owner and Open Exchange Rates as well as any reproduction of this tool from this Web site are prohibited, unless authorized in writing by the Site Owner and Open Exchange Rates. The Site Owner assumes no form of liability regarding the accuracy or the proper operation of the “Currency Converter.” By using the “Currency Converter,” you consent to the use by Open Exchange Rates of the personal information collected as specified herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following acts by means of the “Currency Converter” are prohibited:
- alteration of the format in which the data relative to financial information is presented, and/or the automated use of the “Currency Converter”;
- circumvention of the interface used to present the data relative to the financial information;
- importation or transfer of the data relative to the financial information into any software;
- creation of another financial information service; and distribution of any information relative to the financial information by any means.
Reservation of rights
The Site Owner reserves all rights not expressly claimed herein. None of the provisions composing these Terms shall be construed as implicitly, exclusively or otherwise granting any licence or right under a copyright, patent, trademark, or any other intellectual property right of the Site Owner or any other individual or entity.
Modification of terms
The Site Owner may modify or otherwise update the Terms applicable to this Web site from time to time without notice. You accordingly agree to be bound by the Terms in effect at the time you access this Web site.
This Web site is controlled and operated by the Site Owner from Montréal, Québec, Canada. The Site Owner makes no claims whatsoever in regard to the relevance or availability of the Web site content for use in other jurisdictions. Any individual who chooses to access this Web site from other locations does so of their own accord, and is responsible to comply with all local laws, to the extent to which they apply.
Applicable law
This site is controlled and operated by the Site Owner from Montréal, Québec, Canada, and these Terms are governed by the laws of the Province of Québec as well as all applicable Canadian laws, without regard to conflict-of-law principles. You agree to be bound by these laws and to submit to the authority of the courts of Montréal, Québec, Canada, in respect to the interpretation or application of these Terms.
Integral agreement and transfer
These Terms represent the integral Agreement between the Site Owner and User in terms of use of the Web site, its functionalities and content, and supersede any previous or contemporary agreement, communication or proposal, whether made electronically, verbally or in writing, between the Site Owner and the User in regard thereof.
This Agreement is entered into by the User personally, and the latter may not transfer their rights or obligations hereunder to anyone.
Survival of obligations and severability
These Terms apply while you are accessing the Web site and remain in effect thereafter. Should you no longer have access to this Web site, the provisions set forth in Articles 2, 3, 4 and 7 of these Terms will persist thereafter.
Should a provision of these Terms be declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a competent authority in any jurisdiction, such statement will have no effect on the provision in question in any other jurisdiction and will in no way render this provision illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any other jurisdiction; nor will it have any effect on any other provisions of these Terms in any jurisdiction.
Default from the Site Owner to ensure the strict application of any right or provision under these Terms shall not be construed as forfeiture of such right or provision.